Is your site complying with GDPR requirements?

Handy Checklist:

  • Is your form consent the most appropriate?
  • Is the request for consent prominent?
  • Are you asking people to positively opt in?
Need help make sense of your GDPR requirements?

Have our expert team audit your websites data and provide prioritised recommendations to become GDPR compliant before 25th May 2018

We help make sense of GDPR compliance

Ensure your site is compliant with the new EU regulation with a in-depth report detailing steps towards compliance. We adapt to deal with any specific areas that are important to you.

What we cover in an audit:

  • What, when and where the data is stored?
  • Why the data is stored and how it is used?
  • Who has authorised access to the data?
  • How is the data stored?
  • How long is the data stored and how is it secured?
  • How consent is provided?
  • How can data be withdrawn or destroyed?

20 years experience

With a team of 18 digital experts, we have been delivering bespoke websites for over two decades, meeting with individual needs and goals to deliver results-orientated websites, including lead generation or e-commerce.

Certified Developers

Our team of developers are certified in HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP and more. All of our experts keep up-to-date with the latest trends and techniqus in digital marketing and website development.

Outstanding Service

You will be more than pleased with the level of service our team provides. From your very first meeting you will be appointed a key point of contact. We also offer a 1 hour response promise on support.

Website Design

We take a bespoke approach to web design. No templates or outsourcing abroad - everything is designed just for you.

What our clients say

“The team do a great job of sharing their expertise and it is packaged in a way that is easy to understand.”

Tracey Murphy

Managing Director, HR Savvy

“We’ve worked with the Bespoke team for many years. They provide us with skills, strategy and ideas and extend the capability and performance of our own digital team.”

Chris Hall

Marketing Manager, GAP UK
Industry lead experts
1 hour support desk response
Monthly Review

We would love to hear from you

call: 01772 591100


north west office: Preston, PR56DA

south office: London, NC14AG

Let's discuss GDPR compliance

Enter your details and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.

© 2018 BESPOKE DIGITAL AGENCY LTD. Established 2001 and registered in England and Wales with company number 4143099